Its been a while since I have blogged so my apologies.
My next blog post will be about my hair and how I have finally returned it to its natural colour and of course how its growing.
I am almost at the end of my Vitgel treatment course, I have one more treatment to go and that will be 6 treatments over 12 weeks. I will of course do a before and after comparison and my final thoughts on it then.
But for now.... here is this weeks nail colour. Starting with my usual base of Vitagel Recovery, then the nude peachy colour by Gelish is called Forever Beauty. I think this colour really suits my skin tone however it would look great with a tan. It then has a top coat of Vegas Nights - which is the holographic iridescent sparkle. Has to be said I LOVE this and have almost every intention of wearing it over every colour. I am like a magpie, I love shiny things. If you are unable to have Gelish but love this holographic look I can highly recommend Electric Lane Holographic Topcoat by Nails inc special effects. It gives exactly the same effect. If you want a glossy finish using this though you definitely need to apply a couple of layers of a clear glossy topcoat.

I have been asked about the strength of the Gelish nails and although not as strong as acrylics I am impressed, when I caught my nail last week, the way it felt was "argh i've ripped my fingernail off" if I had been wearing acrylics it would have been without a doubt a clean snap. However when I peeked through one eye gingerly I found that the gel had been popped loose but my nail was actually intact and no worse for the wear. Today while sorting out the seat cover in my car I caught my nail. Bearing in mind the free edges of my nails are still a little thinner than usual as my acrylic damage grows out, here is a picture of the damage. You can see a little bit of my own nail came away and the Gelish is still perfectly intact - so thats how strong Gelish is!

Anyone who knows me knows that naked nails make me sad. This week my bestest friend bought me a little gift when she went on the ferry over the channel. This is what she bought me, how thrilled am I?! I love Opi and have a couple of these little sets but didn't have this one. Its the Euro Centrale set and contains mini bottles of Can't Find My Czechbook, Suzi's Hungary Again, You're Such a BudaPest and OY - Another Polish Joke! Naturally I couldn't wait to try it out.
So here are my toes sporting You're such a BudaPest. Its a sort of bluey lilac colour but perfect for summer.